Common Personal Injuries Chiropractors Can Help With

Personal injuries can significantly impact your quality of life and make even the simplest tasks challenging or impossible. Whether you are dealing with chronic back and neck pain or ligament injuries after an auto accident, chiropractic care can help. Chiropractic Health and Wellness Center in Houston, TX, is here to tell you about some of the most common personal injuries that chiropractic care can help with.

Back Pain

One of the most frequent personal injuries is back pain. This condition is a frequent complaint after a work injury, slip and fall, or car accident. Your chiropractor can use several techniques and therapies to alleviate back pain. They may perform spinal manipulations to correct misalignments in your back or cold laser therapy to promote healing.


Another common injury linked to car accidents is whiplash. This condition occurs when the head and neck move back and forth rapidly during a collision, straining the muscles and ligaments in the neck. Many people also experience headaches and dizziness alongside neck pain. Your chiropractor can treat whiplash with chiropractic adjustments and soft tissue manipulation to reduce pain and improve neck flexibility.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Soft tissue and ligament injuries often occur due to falls, twists, and repetitive motions. Many people experience swelling and bruising in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that impact their range of motion. Chiropractic adjustments help reduce inflammation, promote healing, and improve flexibility in the affected area. Our chiropractor may also recommend corrective exercises to strengthen your muscles and prevent future pain or injury.

Herniated Discs

A herniated disc is a condition where one of your spinal discs gets knocked out of position and impedes the spinal nerves. This condition can cause shooting arm or leg pain, numbness or tingling, and muscle weakness. Herniated discs also affect your range of motion and can worsen when bending over. Spinal adjustments restore your discs to their proper placement and reduce pressure on the spinal nerves, easing pain and improving mobility.

Experience the Benefits of Chiropractic Care at Chiropractic Health and Wellness Center Today

If you are looking for a non-invasive and holistic way to treat your injury, look no further than Chiropractic Health and Wellness Center in Houston, TX. Our chiropractor can determine the cause of your condition and provide a customized treatment plan that alleviates pain and restores your range of motion. Call us and schedule a consultation today at (281) 855-2177 to experience the long-term benefits of chiropractic care.


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